Xfinity Web LLC is a registered LLC business in Virginia under the State Corporation Commission. Our official websites are and

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

XfinityWeb guarantees a 99.9% uptime for our web hosting services. This means your web server will remain operational at least 99.9% of the time in any given calendar month. Our 99.9% uptime guarantee allows for a maximum of 45 minutes of unscheduled (HTTP) service downtime per month.

For every additional 45 minutes of downtime, you will receive a 10% service credit or refund, subject to the conditions outlined below. However, all refunds are capped at one month’s hosting service fees and do not include excess usage fees or other nonstandard recurring charges.

Service Credit Table

Monthly Uptime Compensation Equivalent Service Credit
99.9 – 100% No credit
99.7 – 99.8% 10% credit 3 days
99.5 – 99.6% 25% credit 8 days
99.3 – 99.4% 50% credit 15 days
99.0 – 99.2% 75% credit 23 days
98.9% and below 100% credit 1 month

Exclusions & Limitations

XfinityWeb is not responsible for service outages resulting from:

  • Failures of third-party infrastructure, including but not limited to Internet NAP failures, upstream network outages, congestion, or backbone failures.
  • Domain registration or transfer delays caused by InterNIC-related issues.
  • Customer-side issues, such as website-specific outages, misconfigured settings, or errors in user-installed scripts and applications.
  • Unusual traffic spikes or denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks targeting customer websites.
  • Hybrid services, colocation, dedicated servers, virtual private servers (VPS), cloud services, and bare metal environments—these services are not eligible for uptime-related credits.


Refund Requests

To request a refund or service credit:

  • The request must be submitted to the Billing Department at the end of the current month (last day) or within the first week of the following month.
  • XfinityWeb will determine if the outage meets the criteria for compensation under this SLA.

This Service Level Agreement is subject to change, and XfinityWeb reserves the right to modify its terms at any time.